Monday, February 27, 2006

The Blindfolded Pianist...

Im a piano player so i can tell you this guy is pretty good... even when you take out the fact that hes blindfolded... im not a big maroon 5 fan but he makes it sound good... very well done... you rock you blindfolded asian... watch, download...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wheres My Money Man...

Another Famuly Guy clip... stewie wants his money and gets violent... Pretty funny, but its almost to cruel to be funny... poor brian... but still incredibly funny... Watch and download...

Gravitational Pull...

Everyone has got to love family guy... and here is a really funny clip from one episode... brian has a good way of telling peter hes fat and here it is... watch and download... absolutly funny...

Light That Candle...

This guy lights a candle using ass gas... thats about it... fairly amusing... watch but no need to download...

Heres A Tear Jerker...

This sent chills up my spine... truly great story... its not a funny one... its not a dirty one... its just a good inspirational story... and makes me feel better about myself... and im usually considered to have a heart of stone... watch, download, share with everyone you know...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Old But Sweet...

Everyones seen the movie... Everyones seen the dance... But the site needs it just for kicks so here it is the dance for pedro's campaign in Napolean Dynamite... Watch, Download, Do what you please...

All You Can Eat Buffet...

Fat people ARE hard to kidnap... and this short proves it... after attempting to shove this plesently plump man into the car, they simply leave him on the side of the road when he wont fit in... this is a buffet commercial for marriot, go figure... watch and download...

xbox 360...

This is a banned xbox 360 ad... and i dont see why... i like it... maybe its the idea of everyone shooting everyone... but its allin good fun... watch and download

Rants and Raves...

Guess im back to forign people... This is ridiculous... and very long... but ive felt this way about a pc... never quite expressed it like this but ive felt it inside... this is why people buy macs... dont even have to watch all the way through, definitly dont download...

MySpace - The Movie...

Absolute truth about myspace and how it effects our lives... i mean what wont we do for myspace... The Angles, the bulletins The Partys... What has this world come to... but hell, shit happens... and this shows us that shit... Watch and Download...

VW in the house...

Alright so theres three of these and there all great but i like this one... VW is now un-pimping rides and doing it well... so enjoy this... watch this... download this...

Learn English...

I guess im kind of on a forign language theme... but heres a nice happy family from some european country enjoying our american music... pretty funny... but then again i have a weird sense of humor... Watch but no need to download...

Need Glasses...

okay this is a tad bizzare... but i enjoyed it... it translates into "need glasses?" and is another one of those clean german commercials... watch but no need to download

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Decoding Emo...

Hah this seriously made me laugh... when i heard this song the first time i had no idea what they were saying... and this proves it... i have nothing against the band or the song... in fact its kinda catchy in a whining sort of way.. but here is the attempt to decode the true emo... watch and download...

I Know Ju Jit Su...

im gonna start with a holy shit... and then go onto incredible... and then some im in awe... this is simply incredible stunt work... this chinese guy has spent a lot of time and commitment and i think he could kill some agents in the matrix... the begining is probally the best because its pretty long... watch, with optional download...

Pokemon Theme...

At one point in time i was a pokemon nut job... i had the cards the figures the games, etc... but i never thought of doing this... in a crazy music video for the pokemon theme song, two guys express their oddities and pure love for the poket monsters... Watch and Download...

Bouncy and Fun...

Spoof Jeep commercial... could have been done a whole lot better... but im not complaining... good fun... Watch but no need to download...

The internet is for porn...

Okay so we all know the truth... and well atleast us guys do... women still seem to deny that the internet is in fact for porn... and so this short is out there to enlighten them... you have a couple of warcraft charecters singing about the truth of WWW and theres no better way to but it but sickingly true to the fact... Watch and download...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Milk and Cereal at Virginia Tech....

Okay so you get some virginia tech kids, and a crazy song by G Love and you get this nutty music video with lip syncing students... Pretty much awesome, i just like the song though, but the guys add a nice touch... Watch and download...


Well there are somethings women cant do in public, and this cuteish little ad says that... i have no idea of its purpose or anything, but everyone has a fruity side and this is mine... watch but no need to download...

Chronic Masturbater...

alright dave chappelle supporting my favorite company, i mean come on doesnt get much better then this... I highly recomend seeing as hes hilarious and so is this... i say watch and download... hell even put it on your iPod, just hilarious...

500kv switch opening...

I, not being an electrician, have no idea if this is feasible... But its pretty fucking awesome...

How to dance like a white guy...

Alright this is something new and true... Although its basically covering the redneck moves, I think it gets the point across, I am a Caucasian white male, and I have no rhythm!... Watch it, but no need to download...

The Hampster Dance... Too Far?

Everybody knows and loves the hampsterdance but when it comes to a remix, i mean come on these people have got to be smoking something crazy... although it still has that addicting tune... i say worth watching, not downloading...

To The News...

This is my new Video Blog... and im working on a way to make it work... instead of me being lonely with a camera looking like a fool, and posting it on the internet for the world to see, i shall be posting great videos, shorts, animations, what have you, to entertain this world... if you find it funny say something... if you dont call me a fool, tell me where ive got it wrong... im here to please, and please i shall...